Manage all of your core HR essentials, including benefits, time off, payroll, and PPACA within a unified platform.

An icon of a cloud. Inside the cloud is a circle containing four puzzle pieces, three of which have been connected.
An icon of a cloud. Inside the cloud is a circle containing an open hand as viewed from the side. A small gift bag rests in the palm.
An icon of a cloud. Inside the cloud is a circle containing a calendar. The calendar's current date is the 15th.
An icon of a cloud. Inside the cloud is a circle containing three people in buisness attire looking in the direction of the viewer. The people are viewed from the shoulders up.
An icon of four puzzle pieces, three of which have been connected.

HR Center

Command Central for administering the core duties of the Human Resources Department.

An icon of an open hand as viewed from the side. A small gift bag rests in the palm.

Benefits Center

The Benefit Center permits HR professionals to easily administer and track employee participation in benefits programs, ranging from healthcare plans, dental plans, vision, group insurance, pension plans, profit sharing or stock option plans, or any other benefits offered to employees. Employees can enroll in benefits online, and EDI files can be sent to the carrier directly from the HRIMS.

An icon of a calendar. The calendar's current date is the 15th.

Time Off Center

Manage the balance of your workforce by knowing who is taking time off and when time off is scheduled. View patterns of time taken and gain valuable employee insights."

An icon of three people in buisness attire looking in the direction of the viewer. The people are viewed from the shoulders up.

PPACA Helper

Human Resources must handle this complex issue as required by law. The tools in the PPACA Helper assist in keeping information up to date and organized so that companies can make their best decisions.